How to become a Halloween iPhone
Looking for something to wear to your next costume party? If you have a car battery, spare 42-inch LCD TV—and a whole lot of time—you could go as an oversized working Apple iPhone.
That's what Reko Rivera and Bobby Hartman did. Two years ago they developed an iPhone costume ...
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The Philips HF3490: an ideal way to start—and end—your day
Spot Cool Stuff does not understand why most of the world's alarm clocks wake their owners with a jarring buzz or annoying beep. We can imagine some worse ways to be awoken—eg. via cobra bite, bucket of cold water or missile attack—but not many.
Imagine instead being ...
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Amazon’s ebook reader now works internationally
Regular readers of the Spot Cool Stuff Tech blog know what huge fans we are of the Kindle. They also know that our Kindle enthusiasm comes despite harboring a few gripes about Amazon's e-book reader.
Well, today that list of gripes grew shorter by one: The Amazon Kindle is ...
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We test out the Looj Gutter Cleaning Robot
We were very skeptical that the Looj would be able to get our gutters anything close to clean. Household robotic machines, after all, are best at routine tasks like making your coffee or grinding your beans to put into the coffee maker. Cleaning gutters is anything but predictable. ...
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Interactive illusions my replace your keyboard and home light switches
If the world of Star Trek were real Spot Cool Stuff would probably spend the majority of our time in a holodeck—a computer generated world fantasy world in which everything feels real. So it is probably for the best that holodecks are fictional. Or, at least, fictional at ...
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Is Jajah’s Twitter calling service cool but useless?
Spot Cool Stuff is fascinated by the ever expanding functionality companies are bringing to Twitter. Some hotels offer concierge services via Twitter. Some take-out restaurants allow customers to place orders via Twitter. And now at least one VoIP company, Jajah, is launching a service that places telephone calls ...
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