An ultra thin keyboard that’s better with the lights on
As we type these words we are sitting in a dark room testing out the backlit keys of the latest Logitech Illuminated Ultra-Thin Keyboard.
In the past we've found it useful to have a backlit keyboard on our laptop—while working in a darkened cabin on an airplane, for example. ...
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RoamEO knows where to fetch Fido
Every time we see one of those LOST DOG posters on the bulletin board at the local coffee shop our first thought is for the people missing their beloved pet. Our second thought is one of thanks that it isn’t our pooch staring back at us from the ...
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Does the automobile’s future look like the Aptera 2e?
There's a race on to develop the technology that will power the next generation of cars.
Some of the biggest and smartest car companies, such as Honda and BMW, are making huge bets that hydrogen is going to replace oil as the car fuel of choice. (To wit: ...
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We review the Epson Artisan 800
Time was that all-in-one printers could fulfill variety of useful functions without being particularly good at any of them. All-in-one printers could not produce photos as well as a photo printer, could not print text as well as a dedicated inkjet, could not scan as well as a ...
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Give great gadgets this holiday season
The holiday season is upon us. And so is the need to find cool gifts. Here's a roundup of some of the presents that the friends and family of Spot Cool Stuff will be finding under their trees shortly. If are one of those friends and family then ...
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Low cost, high quality, speakers to go
It is impossible for a lightweight, battery-powered portable speaker system to produce the same sound quality that a larger, high end plug-into-the-wall unit does. The laws of physics are too stacked against small, power-efficient speakers for that. But the On Tour portable speaker system from JBL comes remarkably ...
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