Professional, Super HD with the Sanyo Xacti HD1010 Camcorder

Video Cameras
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Consumer digital camcorders never seem to take video that looks as good as that you see on commercial HDTV programs—until now. Sanyo’s Xacti HD1010 is the world’s consumer camera that shoots in 1080i. The video recording, done at 60 frames per second in 1920 x 1080 high definition, is truly superb!
This camcorder includes image stabilization, which Spot Cool Stuff found to be only marginally useful. What worked brilliantly for us is the 300 fps slow motion. Even better was the Sanyo’s low light recording capabilities thanks to the nimble f/1.8-2.5 lens and the face detection feature that adjusts brightness and focus for up to 12 people at a time.
This camcorder is light—only 11 ounces (310g)—and small enough to fit in a pant pocket, making the Sanyo Xacti DC1010 practical to use for your still camera as well.