spot cool stuff TECH
Spot Cool Stuff, not being so enthralled with the intricacies of flying a commercial jetliner, would mostly use to the Home Cockpit Flight Simulator to recreate scenes from the Airplane! movie. What’s your vector, Victor?
But if you are an aspiring pilot—and have access to an extra US$7,000—this product from Hammacher Schlemmer is as close as you can come to flying a real airplane without leaving your house.
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spot cool stuff TECH
As a kid we used to sled on a wooden Flexible Flyer. As a college student we used sled on food trays we, um, “creative acquired” from the school cafeteria. That’s what sledding was like back then. This is sledding today:
The Hammerhead Sled.
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spot cool stuff TECH
For years now there have been good skateboard video games out there (the Skate series by Electronic Arts being our favorite among them). But there’s something ultimately unsatisfying about controlling a virtual skateboarder by way of a joystick. Even Skate, which is a truly fun game, is really just glorified driving game with a skateboard on the screen instead of a car or motorcycle or whatever.
The new Tony Hawk: Ride offers to change that—the game for the Wii, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 comes with a physical skateboard controller.
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spot cool stuff TECH
One of the best ways to foresee what’s coming down the gadget pike is to check out company patent filings. Though, of course, a patent for a product being filed doesn’t automatically mean the product will become reality.
With that caveat we bring you this bit of cool news: according to the excellent website Nintendo World Report a patent has been filed for a Wii interactive football controller.
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spot cool stuff TECH
The Erector Spykee is recommended for kids as young as 8 years old but, really, what adult wouldn’t want an MP3 playing, wifi enabled, Skype communicating, remote controlled spy robot?
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