spot cool stuff TECH
Big things come in small packages, they say.
“They” must certainly have a Roku 3 Streaming Media Player. It’s Spot Cool Stuff’s new favorite way to watch streaming videos and on-demand television — and cost-effective too.
It works like this: You connect the little Roku 3 box to the internet, either through an Ethernet cable or wifi. Then you hook the box up to your HD television1 via an HDMI cable. And — voilà — you are ready to watch television (and listen to music and play games . . . more on that in a moment).
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spot cool stuff TECH
Is it the best point-and-shoot camera you can buy? Definitely not. But is it the best value? Heck yes, says Spot Cool Stuff.
It’s Cyber Monday! Online deals for gadgets and electronic stuff abound. But which products are a genuine good deal as opposed to only being, well, cheap?
Here’s a look at six tech products in the former category. Our selections range greatly in price (from $35 to almost $5,000) but each represents a high value in its own way. Each is also an item Spot Cool Stuff loves.
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spot cool stuff TECH
Spot Cool Stuff recently moved into a farmhouse. It’s a lovely place, built in the 1780s, but there’s something about the layout or the construction materials used or the ghosts of past generations who lived here or we-know-not-what that prevents a wireless internet signal from traveling through the house well. What’s a four-bar wifi signal in the home office is reduced to one bar most anywhere else downstairs. Upstairs there’s no signal at all.
So we asked our Tech Editor to propose a solution. The one he came up with: the Western Digital My Net Wifi Range Extender.
It seemed too good to be true, if only because the paperback-sized device costs a mere $35 with the current Amazon discount (versus the $75 retail price). Here’s what we found when we gave it a try:
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spot cool stuff TECH
It’s becoming increasingly easy to ditch your monthly cable or satellite bill and watch television over the internet instead. Several networks stream their television shows directly on their own websites. In addition, you can watch television through services like Cracked and Hulu, and stream movies on a computer, smart TV or portable media player via Netflix and Amazon Instant Video.
Of course, none of those offer an array of live television channels over the internet. But there is a software product that claims to: SatelliteDirect. But does the service really deliver 3,500 channels of satellite television directly to your computer? Spot Cool Stuff takes a look:
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spot cool stuff TECH
Sometimes terms are tossed around a lot with little explanation as to what they actually mean. This is no different for video quality. One term you have probably heard is “1080p.” This is a term used to describe high-definition video resolution, and it is often referred to as the highest resolution for home video.
However, this still doesn’t explain much. To help, here is an explanation of what 1080p is and whether or not it is actually the highest resolution possible.
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spot cool stuff TECH
The stated aim of Mitsubishi’s television division: To bring the movie theater experience into people’s home.
To that end, Mitsubishi today unveiled a new 3D HDTV set that has—if we may use the technical term for it—a big ass screen. 92 diagonal inches of ass, to be specific. 92 inches! That’s a full foot longer than LeBron James is tall.
When it becomes available to the general public sometime in the summer of 2011 this new Mitsubishi will be the world’s largest consumer 3D television set.
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spot cool stuff TECH
You have a great HD television set. And you have all sorts of great hi-def videos and photos on your computer. But how to link the two up?
Most people either set up a complex home networking system, cope with constant plugging and unplugging of cables and drivers, or burn their videos onto a disc and play them on a DVD player. But there’s a more elegant, and surprisingly inexpensive solution: Western Digital’s HD Media Player.
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spot cool stuff TECH
Every time we go to the local video store it seems that the Blu-ray section grows larger. And the store isn’t getting any bigger, so presumably their selection of old fashion DVDs is shrinking. And it isn’t only at our local store—movies-through-the-mail services like Blockbuster
and Netflix
are expanding their fast expanding their Blu-ray offerings too.
There is no doubt: The Blu-ray future is upon us. The humble DVD will soon go the way of the Betamax and VHS tape. Which means now is the time for you to buy a Blu-ray player.
If you own a high definition TV then a Blu-ray player is a must. Looking at a normal DVD on an HDTV is like listening to an audio CD through a 1930s gramophone speaker.
Even for those who don’t yet have an HDTV we maintain that a Blu-ray is a worthy investment—you’ll eventually be buying one anyway (read our review of the best inexpensive HDTV sets) and once you do you’ll have access to a host of interactive Blu-ray movie features. (What those features are exactly varies from movie to movie). Most of all, movies look considerably better with Blu-ray.
Spot Cool Stuff has run through all the mainstream consumer Blu-ray player options. Here, in our judgment, are the best:
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