Infographic: The Darwinian Evolution of Microsoft Windows

Infographics | Microsoft | 2 Comments
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Microsoft Windows as changed a lot over the years, spurred on partly be evolving design concepts and partly by their attempt to catch up with the Apple operating system. (Many, including Spot Cool Stuff, think they are still trying to catch up). That evolution is capture in this cool infographic by Tech King.
The infographic, which is the first designed by Tech King, is a bit dense in terms of reading. But it is semi-fascinating to see how Windows has changed over the years.
Click on the graphic to see it full size in a new window:

published: 30 March 2012

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March 30th, 2012at 10:03 pm(#)
lol.. Well.. its nice that this docuform is listing the differences between the windows versions but I personally feel it would have been better if they left out the reasonings on why certain things occured like changes between versions as this document is completely void of some well known truths. The re-writing of history is a rather funny read.. or i believe the proper term for this now is “spin”–
While its not a good idea for any company to hang dirty laundry I would prefer and accept more the simple omission of these details rather than a colorful repaint. I do agree that Windows is in the shadow of apple but only from the standpoint of Apples fight to not conform to the hardware lies. They did eventually give in based on sheer necesity to compete effectivly and economicly but Microsoft has always been the ” All about me” corporation.
I believe that the rest of the industry while quite silent like castrated slaves slowly stears the technilogy in a more competitive and honest direction.. and honest being a less bully capable environment, the consumer stands a better chqnce of being able to gain from true innovation than whitwashed self protection filled closet tech..
Now dont think I hate Windows because I like windows.. I just dont like the spin..
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March 30th, 2012at 11:42 am(#)
Microsoft is getting there slowly, if they don’t trip with another version like Vista. I had to get a new computer because all the problems I was having with Vista. My new Windows 7 computer has been great so far.
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