The Leica X1: Retro Outside, High-Tech Inside
The Leica X1: Retro Outside, High-Tech Inside

The Leica X1 vs Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 vs Sony NEX-5 comparison

For much of the early and mid 20th century Leica was the world's most stylish and sophisticated camera manufacturer. The father of modern photojournalism, Henri Cartier-Bresson, used a Leica camera for his work. While covering World War II he was found himself on the verge of being captured ...

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SEE OTHER POSTS IN: Camera Reviews

8 Cool Gifts For Photographers Under $50
8 Cool Gifts For Photographers Under $50

Bracelets. Lens mugs. A game of Photo-opoly, anyone?

People who love photography tend to really love photography. They also tend to already have all the cameras, lenses and bags they need (or can afford). So here are 8 relatively inexpensive gifts that the photographer on your gift list is likely to appreciate and not already have. ...

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SEE OTHER POSTS IN: Accessories For Photographers

Your Own Home Cockpit Flight Simulator
Your Own Home Cockpit Flight Simulator

How to fly a (simulated) airplane without leaving your house

Spot Cool Stuff, not being so enthralled with the intricacies of flying a commercial jetliner, would mostly use to the Home Cockpit Flight Simulator to recreate scenes from the Airplane! movie. What's your vector, Victor? But if you are an aspiring pilot—and have access to an extra US$7,000—this ...

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AT&T vs Verizon iPhone 4
AT&T vs Verizon iPhone 4

Apple iPhone networks compared

Verizon today announced that the iPhone 4 will be coming to its network in the United States. What's the difference between the two cellular network's iPhones? And is it worth making the switch to Verizon if you are currently with AT&T? Spot Cool Stuff investigates: AT&T and Verizon ...

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SEE OTHER POSTS IN: Apple | iPhone

Just In Case, iHome’s New Speaker Dock
Just In Case, iHome’s New Speaker Dock

The iHome iA100 doesn’t assume your iPod, iPhone or iPad is sans case

How many different iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch speaker docks does the world need? The tech industry seems to think it needs many hundreds. At least that's the impression one gets roaming around CES 2011, where it seems everyone from the mega-electronics companies to the relatives of Bob ...

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SEE OTHER POSTS IN: CES | iPad | iPhone | iPod Clock Radios

The Mitsubishi 92-inch (!) 3D HDTV Set
The Mitsubishi 92-inch (!) 3D HDTV Set

The world’s largest consumer 3D HDTV set

The stated aim of Mitsubishi's television division: To bring the movie theater experience into people's home. To that end, Mitsubishi today unveiled a new 3D HDTV set that has—if we may use the technical term for it—a big ass screen. 92 diagonal inches of ass, to be specific. 92 ...

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SEE OTHER POSTS IN: 3D | CES | Concept (Not For Sale . . . Yet) | HDTV

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