A 41MP sensor and manual camera controls
There was a time, before phones became smart, that a cell phone was just a cell phone. Then, Nokia was king.
But that was before Handspring came along. And before Palm and Blackberry, the iPhone and Android. Before cell phones turned into smartphones that made Nokia's offerings — ...
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The $99 Android game console arrives
A high quality Xbox-like game console for under US$100?
And all the games for it are free?
Yes, such a thing now exists on the consumer market. It's called the Ouya. And if you are thinking that it sounds too good to be true then you'd be partially ...
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The Nokia Lumina 928 takes a shot in the dark
Here's an amazing statistic:
Of all the people living on the planet today who have ever taken a photograph, 90% of them have only done so on a cell phone.
Even among people who own both a camera and a cameraphone, 70% use the latter as their primary device for ...
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The Nuu MiniKey and Spike SoloMatrix
Those readers among you who are of a certain age will remember when a Blackberry was the smartphone to have. Of those, most probably owned a Blackberry. And of those, most probably miss the Blackberry keyboard. It was a real keyboard, not a virtual one, with click-y, tactile, ...
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Travel three decades back in time — via satellite images
Almost everyone reading this has perused Google's collection of satellite images, either on Google Maps or with Google Earth. Perhaps you've wanted to get a bird's eye view of your own home or visually traveled to some far away political hotspot. But one place you haven't easily been ...
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We test drive a high-value compact SUV
When Kia offered us the opportunity to test drive a 2013 Kia Sportage we were initially hesitant. Our blog, after all, is called Spot Cool Stuff. It's not Spot Ordinary Stuff or Spot Reasonably-Well-Made-Low-End Stuff — "ordinary," "reasonable" and "low end" all being terms we associated with Kia.
Yet ...
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