Samsung’s new smartphone is sized like a small tablet
Is it a tablet? Or is it a phone?
That's the tagline on billboards advertising the new Samsung Galaxy Note. When the company selling a product expresses uncertainly about what exactly their product is, you know you are dealing with something different.
Indeed, the Samsung Note really is something different—a ...
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Can you really watch 3,500 TV stations over the internet?
It's becoming increasingly easy to ditch your monthly cable or satellite bill and watch television over the internet instead. Several networks stream their television shows directly on their own websites. In addition, you can watch television through services like Cracked and Hulu, and stream movies on a computer, ...
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Chief’s Energizing Face Wash
Spot Cool Stuff wakes up cranky. We are not morning people. This is why we depend upon caffeine. And why we are fans of Chief's Energizing Face Wash for men. Dabbing it onto your skin, then splashing water onto your face, it's hard to not feel like you're ...
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The Seabreacher lets a Phil act like a Flipper
What do you get when you cross a dolphin with a jet ski? The founders of Innespace Productions, a California watercraft company, asked themselves that question. And then they built their answer: The Seabreacher.
The boat-like, airplane-like, submarine-like, Flipper-like Seabreacher can accommodate a single operator and one passenger who ...
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How Windows has changed over the years
Microsoft Windows as changed a lot over the years, spurred on partly be evolving design concepts and partly by their attempt to catch up with the Apple operating system. (Many, including Spot Cool Stuff, think they are still trying to catch up). That evolution is capture in this ...
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Harry Potter eBooks come to the Kindle, Nook
Harry Potter is finally bringing his magic to the world of eBook readers.
The publishing empire that is JK Rowling has reached a distribution deal that will allow you to carry all 4,176 pages of the Harry Potter series around in your coat pocket—provided that your coat pocket ...
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