The Erector Spykee Transforming Spy Robot

Fun & Games | Personal Robot | 1 Comment
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The Erector Spykee is recommended for kids as young as 8 years old but, really, what adult wouldn’t want an MP3 playing, wifi enabled, Skype communicating, remote controlled spy robot?

The Spykee comes out-of-the-box as a kit that can be put together in three different formations: as a robot, scorpion or lunar vehicle. Once constructed, the movement of a Spykee can be controlled through the internet from any computer (provided the Spykee has access to a wifi signal). Watch video of what the Spykee sees online and hear what Spykee does in real time! If that sounds a little creepy-stalker to you then you may want to skip past this next sentence: The Spykee has a motion sensor and can be programmed to take a photo whenever there’s movement in its vicinity and then to send you that photo by email.
Beyond its voyeuristic capabilities: The Spykee is able to download and play MP3 files. Don’t expect it to replace your iPod anytime soon—the Spykee’s speakers aren’t that great for playing music. But its speakers are more than capable of transmitting speech, which is handy because the Spykee is also a device for voice communication, either walkie-talkie style or via VoIP. In fact, the Spykee is compatible with Skype and so you can talk through your spy robot to any standard telephone or Skype-enabled computer in the world. You can even give your Skypee its own phone number! The Spykee is also compatible with most other pieces of the Erector set.
The Erector Spykee does have a few abilities to “think” for itself. It will automatically return to its charging station when its batteries are low, for example. But for most of its functions your Spykee requires you to be at the virtual controls—and to know the password to operate it. So there’s little chance for all the Erector Spykees out there to turn against their human masters and take over the world . . . at least not until the next model comes out a few years from now.
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August 17th, 2009at 6:08 am(#)
Couldn’t this also be a lovely way for friends and family to keep in touch with an elderly relative, that lives far away. Like a virtual visit to your elderly relative for a chat, that any of the family could log into. It would extra lovely to have a screen that you could post an image on or use for skype! Is anyone making anything for this purpose alone.
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