Focus your photos AFTER you shoot them
Spot Cool Stuff was amongst the first blogs to report on the Lytro, an entirely new sort of camera that allows photographers to focus their shots after they snap their pictures. The "light field cameras," which were a concept then, are reality now. Lytro is accepting pre-orders on ...
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Welcome to the Chrome Zone
Welcome to the Chrome Zone.
That's not the title of a science fiction movie (that we know of). It's what you'll hear when you walk into Google's first retail store1. It's located not in the vacinity of Google's California headquarters, as one might expect, but across the pond in ...
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Biometric protection for your mobile drive data
You needn't be an international banker, royal family member or Scarlett Johansson to want to keep your private files private. Basic digital security is something everyone should (do but few people actually do) practice.
One easy step you can take: When you save your files to an external ...
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The Aakash Tablet vs the ePad
As the number of tablet computer models available to consumers explodes it makes sense that prices would drop. But a tablet for the bargain price of US$35!? That's now the reality—if you happen to be a student in India and qualify for a subsidy. But even for the ...
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Steve Jobs: 1955-2011 . . . and beyond
Spot Cool Stuff never met Steve Jobs. But like so many others, we felt touched by him. His was the human hand who reached out to us from every Macintosh computer, from every iPod, every MacBook and iPhone.
Rarely have the efforts of a single person stretched around the ...
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Apple iPhone Comparison: 4 vs 4S
Apple just announced the latest iPhone: the iPhone 4S.
Those who expected a schmancy new iPhone 5 to be released were disappointed. The iPhone 4S has the same form factor as the iPhone 4. With the exception of the Siri voice functionality (see below), all the software enhancements ...
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