Necomimi: cool technology, ridiculous looking
Japan is famous for it's quirky cultural trends and bizarre tech gadgets. Yet even by Japan trend standards, Necomimi is ridiculous looking—and technologically wondrous.
Literally translated as "cat ears," Necomimi1 appears at first glance to be a regular headband topped with two furry ears. It's like what you'd expect ...
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The pros and cons of a Google Chrome laptop
Microsoft and Apple, watch out. Google is taking direct aim at you with their Chromebooks—laptops than run the Google-controlled Chrome operating system.
Unlike computers that operate Microsoft Windows or the Mac OS or even Linux, Chromebooks are not designed to run a lot of software stored locally on a ...
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The classic computer upgraded with modern technology
Nearly every American male who is today a 40-ish-year-old geek was, sometime in the 1980s, a 14-ish-year-old computer geek. Which means that nearly every 40-year old American male computer geek, at one point in the '80s, coveted a Commodore 64.
For those not of a certain age, it might ...
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Do Mac or PC users prefer Orange Crush?
Compared to PC users, those with Macs are more likely to be college educated, live in cities and throw parties. On TV they like watching The Daily Show and Friday Night Lights. PC users, meanwhile, watch The Newshour with Jim Lehrer and Smallville. They are better at math ...
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Tasty Japanese fare served by dancing robot waiters
The day may come when machines overthrow the human race and our robot overlords force us mortals to serve at their will. Until then, we can suggest going for a meal at the Hajime Robot Restaurant in Bangkok, Thailand.
At the Hajime robots not only serve food to customers ...
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The best alternatives to the dying Flip compact camcorder
RIP, Flip camcorder. Today your parent company, Cisco, announced it is will be ceasing your production.
Cisco's announcement puzzles Spot Cool Stuff at bit. Flip was a trusted brand with strong sales—at the time of writing its products ranked 3rd, 7th, 8th and 10th on Amazon's list of top ...
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