Fly down a hill on a Hammerhead
As a kid we used to sled on a wooden Flexible Flyer. As a college student we used sled on food trays we, um, "creative acquired" from the school cafeteria. That's what sledding was like back then. This is sledding today:
The Hammerhead Sled.
Compared to those sleds of yesteryear, ...
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HP’s Photosmart Premium TouchSmart Web All-in-One Printer runs apps. And prints too.
What took so long? In a technological world in which all manner of gadgets can run apps and connect to the internet it wasn't until late 2009 that someone came out with a printer capable of such—HP did it with their Photosmart Premium TouchSmart Web All-in-One Printer. ...
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Control a virtual skater via a real board
For years now there have been good skateboard video games out there (the Skate series by Electronic Arts being our favorite among them). But there's something ultimately unsatisfying about controlling a virtual skateboarder by way of a joystick. Even Skate, which is a truly fun game, is really ...
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Which Nikon digital SLR camera is best for you?
Nikon doesn't make it easy for consumers to decide which of their cameras to buy. The company produces many different models of SLRs with overlapping feature sets. And the model numbers doesn't have a logical progression to them. What camera novice would guess that the Nikon D200 would ...
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Electronics that bring a big smile for a small price
In tough economic times there's a special need for gifts that come at a cheap price but that feel expensive. So here are 10 items with a low cost and high WOW factor. As with our other gift guides, friends and family of Spot Cool Stuff are advised ...
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Find gadgets only available in Asia
If you've traveled to China and been to an electronics or fashion market there chances are you've been struck by two facts:
1) How cheap the prices are (relative to North America and Europe); and
2) How many products are available there that aren't in your home country.
To take advantage ...
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