Print Personalized Discs

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You’ve just burned a mix CD of music to impress that special some one (or prospective special some one). Or maybe you’ve burned a DVD of your videos. How can you wow the recipients of your CD or DVD creations before they even hear or see your work? Instead of having your disc say Sony or Maxwell on the top, print your own personal design with the Dymo DiscPainter.

There are several InkJet printers on the market capable of printing to discs. But most don’t come with special software to edit your disc design. More importantly, their results usually have a “home printer” look.
The results using the Dymo are better than those of multi-purpose printers specifically because Dymo has no multiple purposes. Everything about the DiscPainter is dedicated to printing your designs onto discs. It does that by way of a proprietary RadialPrint technology that spins the disc while it prints (see the video, below). This technology allows the Dymo to print at a resolution of up to 1200 dpi across the whole of the disc surface from the far outer edge to the interior hub. The best disc-top designs produced by the Dymo DiscPainter are of similar quality to store-bought discs.
As for the software that comes with the DiscPainter, it works on both PC and Mac and includes multiple design templates. Or you can start from scratch and make your own. The software’s coolest feature is the ability to import the playlist of the mix CD you just made directly from iTunes. That notwithstanding, we didn’t like the editing features of the DiscPainter software as much as we do those of PhotoShop. (Maybe this is simply because we are more familiar with PhotoShop). Fortunately, all of the DiscPainter templates can be exported to PhotoShop or any number of other design programs including Illustrator, InDesign and Quark. (Click here to download our blank DiscPainter PhotoShop template). The DiscPainter software can also export files you can use to print album covers and jewel box inserts.
When printing with the DiscPainter keep in mind that you must use InkJet printable discs. Also, if you use your own photos they have to match the resolution you are printing at; if your photos are less than 1200 dpi you’ll get better results using the templates that come with the software.
The DiscPainter can print a 600 dpi disc design in 60 seconds and a 1200 dpi one in about 3 minutes. The printer comes with a USB 2.0 cable, AC power supply, three InkJet printable discs and one full-color ink cartridge (which is good for approximately 100 discs). Assuming you already have a computer there’s only one more thing you’ll need: music and videos that will impress people as much as your disc designs will.
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See it print a disc: