The Coming 235 mpg Volkswagen

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The futuristic looking 1-Liter Volkswagen already has quite a bit of history: The car was completed as a concept model in 2002 then shelved as a production vehicle in 2005. And then revived when fuel prices soared in 2008. Because the 1-Liter gets a remarkable 235 mpg (which translates to 0.83 liters of fuel used for every 100km)!
The 1-Liter’s supreme efficiency is achieved first by creating an aerodynamic shape—every possible incremental step was taken to reduce drag including replacing the rear view mirror with tiny video cameras. The second key to the 1-Liter’s fuel efficiency is its weight. Or lack thereof. The Entire car weighs a mere 300 kilograms (660 pounds), so there’s no need for power steering or brakes. Finally, the 1-Liter is powered by a stingy diesel-electric hybrid engine that, unfortunately, will also be stingy with the car’s top speed: 120 kph (75 mph).
The initial production run of 1,000 1-Liters is expected to be in the showrooms by 2010. No official word on what the price will be (various estimates have it between $25,000 and $35,000). See more photos below: