Part transformer, part robot, part creepy voyeuristic scorpion
The Erector Spykee is recommended for kids as young as 8 years old but, really, what adult wouldn't want an MP3 playing, wifi enabled, Skype communicating, remote controlled spy robot?
The Spykee comes out-of-the-box as a kit that can be put together in three different formations: as a robot, ...
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The BowLingual Voice translates your dog’s barks to human speech
Almost every dog lover has at some point dreamed of being able understand exactly what canines are saying with their barks and growls. Doing its dog-ged best to fulfill that fantasy—or at least profit off it—is the manufacturer of the BowLingual Voice, an electronic dog-to-human language translator.
The BowLingual ...
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Perhaps for the first time, “elegant” and “Microsoft” go together
"Elegant" and "Microsoft" are usually not words that go together. Yet somehow those adjectives managed to meet up in the cool, wireless Microsoft Arc Mouse.
The Arc Mouse (or "Arch Mouse" as many people spell it) strikes a sleek wing-shaped silhouette when it sits open on a desk. ...
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Google’s Android OS: This time it’s personal
Sleek-looking smartphones are multiplying like Tribbles these days. Yet, even through all the noise created by the likes of the iPhone 3GS and upcoming Palm Pre, the HTC Hero caught our attention. And not only because this phone journeyed from drawing board concept to availability on Amazon.co.uk in ...
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Autonet’s wi-fi router let’s you surf and drive
For better and for worse, the number of situations in which one is unable to access an internet connection from a laptop is dwindling. More and more high end vacation resorts, like the Ritz-Carlton in Puerto Rico, boast that their beaches are covered by wi-fi signals. Several airlines, ...
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Motorcycle meets unicycle meets Segway
Compared to a car, a motorcycle is cheaper and more energy efficient. That's what happens when you cut the number of wheels in half, from four to two. But what if you cut the number of wheels in half again, from two to one?
A decade ago the idea ...
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